B.S. in Special Education

    Paraprofessional to Teacher Certification Pre-Screening Form

    Candidate Information
    Mailing Address
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    The student has earned an associate’s degree from a regionally accredited institution; or equivalent credits to meet core complete requirements by entry term.

    The student has earned an associate’s degree from a regionally accredited institution; or equivalent credits to meet core complete requirements by entry term.

    Awarding Institution
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    The student has successfully completed the required pre-requisites:

    EDUC 2110

    EDUC 2120

    EDUC 2130

    MATH 2008

    The student has a minimum cumulative 2.75 grade point average or higher in transferable college-level courses (excluding learning support, developmental and remedial courses).

    The student has a minimum cumulative 2.75 grade point average or higher in transferable college-level courses (excluding learning support, developmental and remedial courses).

    The student is currently serving as a paraprofessional with 2 years of experience.

    The student is currently serving as a paraprofessional with 2 years of experience.

    The student can acquire a letter of support from the principal of the school where they are currently employed. The principal must agree to the student’s participation in teaching requirements as outlined in the program of study. Students will have to complete field work hours in classrooms other than the one in which they serve as a paraprofessional.

    The student can acquire a letter of support from the principal of the school where they are currently employed. The principal must agree to the student’s participation in teaching requirements as outlined in the program of study. Students will have to complete field work hours in classrooms other than the one in which they serve as a paraprofessional.

    The student is eligible to re-enroll in good standing from their previous institution.

    The student is eligible to re-enroll in good standing from their previous institution.

    Upon admission to the program, the student will complete the GACE 360 Educator Ethics Exam and will provide the university with a certificate of completion.

    Upon admission to the program, the student will complete the GACE 360 Educator Ethics Exam and will provide the university with a certificate of completion.

    Upon admission to the program, the student will be able to obtain a GaPSC Pre-Service Certification (this will include a background check, verification of lawful presence, etc.)

    Upon admission to the program, the student will be able to obtain a GaPSC Pre-Service Certification (this will include a background check, verification of lawful presence, etc.)

    If you checked “Yes” to ALL questions, we will contact you to begin the application process which will require you to submit your official transcripts, the letter of support from your principal, and a complete application form. A $50 online application fee is payable at the time of application and is non-refundable. The paper application fee is $55.

    If you checked “No” or “I don’t know” to ANY question, we will connect you with a navigator from our office of adult learner services.

    If you have questions, please email adultlearners@gcsu.edu.