Ambassador Candidate Tour Request

    Important Information:

    Thank you for reaching out to the Council of Student Ambassadors to schedule a tour for your incoming candidate. Candidate tours take place on GCSU's main academic campus and are usually given by golf cart, lasting approximately 30 minutes. 

    Please note: Candidate tours must be requested at least 7 days in advance.
    Please provide the CANDIDATE'S information:
    Requested Tour Date:
    Requested Tour Date:
    *Please note - Candidate Tours last approximately 30-minutes*
    Ambassador Attire:
    Ambassador Attire:
    Will Ambassadors be required to drive a golf cart?
    Will Ambassadors be required to drive a golf cart?
    Requestor Information
    By checking this box, I understand that there may or may not be an ambassador available to assist with this tour. This form does not guarantee coverage or availability.
    By checking this box, I understand that there may or may not be an ambassador available to assist with this tour. This form does not guarantee coverage or availability.